Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Zombies recycle arguments, wastes paper

UPDATE: Don F. points out an excellent observation in the comments section below.

I have 2 more fliers to share with you. The first uses the same 4 lame arguments as shown in the SEIU rarely has anything new to say, ever post from last month but dumbs it down a bit with the statement "SEIU-UHW is the Kaiser union". Statement of fact is no reason to vote for the Zombies.

The second simply states "We work at Kaiser and SEIU-UHW is our union." Yeah, like that is a reason to be proud. As always, the Zombies neglect to say when the quoted members made their statement.


  1. And if you take a close look at the date on the front of that contract it reads, "Effective October 1, 2005".Remember the trusteeship didn't happen until January 2009.So this contract they are so proud of was negotiated by the current leaders of NUHW,when they were in charge of SEIU-UHW, nearly four years before SEIU placed UHW into trusteeship. And SEIU has been doing everything it can to ruin this great contract and sell out the Kaiser members ever since they took over last January!

  2. We're sick and tired of looking at UHW's lies and feeble attempts at convincing healthcare workers that they're the real representatives.

    Don F is absolutely correct. SEIU is trying to convince Kaiser workers that they bargained the latest contract. In actuality, Kaiser's current and last contract was negotiated by Sal Rosselli and the old UHW.

    Zombies. Get real!
