Monday, March 29, 2010

When great local unions go bad

(As per Perez Stern's direction in his Friday, March 26 entry here are the key terms in today's blog entry, and its supporting works: Huffington Post, BeyondChron, Sal Rosselli, John Borsos, Shirley Nelson, Carl Finamore, Andy Stern, SEIU, NUHW, UHW, Judge Alsup, $25 million in damages, lump sum payout pension, Alameda Hospital, Eliseo Medina, Mary Kay Henry, Tyrone Freeman and Leon Chow.) Now, on with the show (blog)!
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If occurs to me that some of my readers may be outside of the healthcare/NUHW/SEIU realm of understanding and therefore only vaguely aware of SEIU's lawsuit against the 26 union reformers now the leadership of NUHW. So I found a couple of articles that give a good summary of the trial; one from NUHW supporter perspective and one that gives an outside looking in perspective. Both are well written and will sum up this crucial trial for union democracy.

First, NUHW member and caregiver at Kaiser Redwood City Hospital Shirley Nelson sounds off with this bit about the absurdity of the Zombies attacks and why they are really suing the vanguards of union democracy.

Second is Carl Finamore's article on BeyondChron. It explains what happens when international union leadership runs roughshod over the local union's elected leaders, to the dismay of the electing members.

1 comment:

  1. The SEIU-UHW phony law suit appears to be crumbling from its own weight of fear mongoring and lies. What the UHW scabs fail to say is that the law suit they filed is nothing but an assault upon union democracy and the prevention of the majority of healthcare workers from joining the union of their choice.

    As the trial moves forward, it is becoming abundantly clear that SEIU has no real case and that their greedy attempt to collect millions of dollars from the dedicated NUHW volunteers who have placed their lives on the line for the workers who want to be represented by NUHW, is but a concerted effort by SEIU-UHW to destroy union democracy within California's healcare industry and to continue with the current status-quo, i.e., to remain under the oppresive dictates of Stern's appointed trustees.

