Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Judge Jon S. Tigar to Zombie UHW: "Quit yer bitchin!"

The Zombies learned the hard way that they can't have it both ways. They can't complain about NUHW's legal representation after firing the same law firm from Zombie UHW. Just like any other job in the world, when you are fired you don't have to listen to your former boss anymore. At issue here is the Zombies' claim of simultaneous representation, as in the Zombies claimed that Jon Siegel, a lawyer for NUHW was simultaneously representing both unions. In reality Siegel represented UHW-W before the trusteeship and like anyone with a soul, he continued his work after the trusteeship, for NUHW. Clearly that was a claimed intended to drain NUHW's legal resources, but it back fired in the following 4 glorious words:

"...plantiff's [UHW-W's] motion is denied" which is legal-ease for "afraid not!" What am I talking about? Read for yourself.

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