Friday, April 30, 2010

Another "blogger" hangs up his spurs

The cranky and difficult to read X Perez Borselli* blog, a pro Zombie UHW pseudo-blogger, has finally ended with a whimper. The relentlessly pro UHW and written largely in ALL CAPS, even this "blogger" has seen the light and realized UHW doesn't even care about most of it's own employees pensions. National officers are taken care of for life, no worries for those folks but as for the staff covered by the various pensions aimed at SEIU local staff they are woefully underfunded. Oh the irony "that the fastest growing union in the Americas" (their claim on nearly every one of their press releases) is suffering from growing pains, and despite the very nature of its existence it is having trouble funding it's own employees pensions.

Here's the article shown above as written by Vincent Vernuccio.

*Borselli: a portmanteau of Borsos and Roselli? Why is it that we native English speaking Americans have to make up words all the time? 1.2+ million words in the language, doubtful any one person knows more than 60,000, yet we constantly make up new words! Just say no to fake words. Require who ever is speaking to you to use any one of our existing words. Grrrrrrr!

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