Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Zombies abandon election, soon-to-be-former members

It's a rare occurrence when the Zombie just give up and walk away. For all the mighty resources they claim to have (with money likely being the only credible one left), they retreated to the lamest excuse I've heard in a long time:
Management created an extremely hostile environment so that workers who supported unionization feared what was going to happen.
This jem was uttered by stator of the obvious Zombie spokeswoman Adriana Surfas. In my mind this raises 2 questions.
  1. How is this any different from any other organizing drive?
  2. Since when has SEIU ever backed down from a fight?

If one looks at recent elections the Zombie have stayed in the election until the bitter end, often with disastrous results. All links courtesy of Tasty over at Stern Burger with Fries.

Salinas Valley Workers Vote for NUHW!

SWU Can't Even Get One Friend!

I guess ONE vote is better than ZERO?

But hey, it's not all bad news. Since the Zombie withdrawal those who get to vote now have 2 choices: salvation (NUHW) or more of the same (no union). Also, the Zombies are burning through obscene amounts of cash in a very short amount of time (which can't be "replaced" with a dues increase until the next convention in 2012) and the credibility of their approach to unionism is taking severe and difficult to recover from hits. Thanks Zombies for making the choice even easier!

P.S. Isn't a definition of insanity doing something, usually the wrong thing, the same way every time and expecting different results?

1 comment:

  1. All the Zombies can do is attack members, progressives and activists like Dolores Huerta. They have no plan except to intimidate, coerce and assault NUHW supporters. The Zombies can't win a fair election so they collude with management to force a vote of "no union" rather than to let members vote for the union of their choice.

    Down with SEIU-UHW's anti-union strategy!

