Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to healthcare's Red Revolt in Sonoma County!

I am homecare worker, prisoner of SEIU UHW-West and fighting hard with my fellow UHW members in Sonoma County to untangle ourselves from SEIU International and it's flagship local UHW-West. There once was a time I was proud to be a member of SEIU UHW-West, but since it was hijacked by SEIU International, it has gone out of it's way to destroy the lives of numerous members, their families and the people for which we we all care.

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(Thanks to Perez Stern for permission to use his legal statement on this blog.)


  1. It is really very disgusting how the purple plague goes about its bussiness of screwing healthcare workers in California. Members' salaries and benefits are always in danger of decreasing, or worse, the loss of your job. SEIU is in bed with employers and management. Of this there can be no doubt. California's healthcare workers know that NUHW is a democratic union for members and by members. This is in complete contrast to SEIU, which dictates from the top and suppresses workers' voices.

  2. As a Homecare worker here in Sonoma County, I am constantly plagued with uncertainty about mine and my client's future. The Union which promised so much keeps the workers isolated (even more than we already are as a part of our profession) from any democratic processes. As we continue to lose benefits, rights, and possibly our wages, dues payments to SEIU, our non-representative union, do not diminish accordingly, and we know our dues are being used against us instead of for our protection. Where's my holiday vacation pay and my end-of-my 25th year BONUS!
